The presentations provided by the speakers at the 2015 ARBI DAY Research Cinference have been provided for public viewing where possible. Please click on the link for each presentation. They are listed in order of appearance at the event:
Robert Holmberg The Origins of ARBRI
Junye Wang Computational Sustainability and Environmental Analytics for the Athabasca River Basin
Baoqin Deng Modified regional DNDC and its application in Athabasca River Basin
Getnet Betrie Hydrological and water quality modeling of the Athabasca River Basin using SWAT
Chris Glover The organismal response to stressors
Ataullah Khan Biochar: Oppotunities and Challenges
David Sauchyn Long-term Variability of the flow of the Athabasca River
Lorelei Hanson The Energy Futures Lab
Brent Purdy Addressing Alberta's Water Challenges & opportunities. AI-ESS Water Innovation Program